View from the Lutry pier of Lac Leman and the Alps |
Having written all that here's a little update on the last two weeks of my time in Geneva. My second weekend here those of us in the program that had already arrived were taken over the border to France for some less expensive groceries (somewhat debatable but the selection was great) by Werner. Part of me thinks that we all trick ourselves into thinking it's less expensive since prices are in Euros and not in Swiss Francs. Anyways I was able to get some essentials and some pretty tasty microwaveable dishes since the microwave back at the Centre is the extent of the cooking appliances at our disposal. After grocery shopping at Migros we took a route through some smaller villages back into Switzerland to avoid the customs officials and ended up on the other side of the Rhone river in a little village called Dardagny where we stopped for un peu de cafe. From Dardagny we made our way back to the Centre with plenty of groceries in tow. For those who are interested here is a map with our route:,+Pregny-Chamb%C3%A9sy,+Switzerland&daddr=Migros,+CC+Val+Thoiry,+Thoiry,+France+to:Auberge+de+Dardagn+Restaurant,+Route+du+Mandement+504,+Dardagny,+Switzerland+to:Chemin+des+Cr%C3%AAts-de-Pregny+27,+Pregny-Chamb%C3%A9sy,+Switzerland&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.546728,79.013672&geocode=FcGAwQIdEpddACk7d3gx9mSMRzHQsL8vDJLITg%3BFa1lwQIdEnBbACEmpLtE0mDkKCkR28N4WoiMRzEmpLtE0mDkKA%3BFU3awAIdw3xbACHRrnQ5gmnnmimXBPqt8YeMRzHRrnQ5gmnnmg%3BFcGAwQIdEpddACk7d3gx9mSMRzHQsL8vDJLITg&oq=Che&mra=ls&t=m&z=12.
The past week of work was pretty busy and as a result I didn't do too much Monday-Friday. On Friday night a few of us decided to go out for a little bit and we ended up as spectators at a genuine European freak show. This troupe was performing outside of a little bar in a fairly residential area and unfortunately the pictures I took on my phone were not great so hopefully my words will do their act justice. These performers did a little bit of everything, from lying on a bed of nails to fire-eating to smashing plates and it was all accompanied by some lovely accordion music...only in Europe. After the show we figured it was probably better just to call it a night before anything else to strange took place.
Yesterday a group of us decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Lausanne by train, which is roughly 50 minutes away. The scenery was beautiful on the ride there as you pass alongside the Alps and Lake Geneva. When we arrived in Lausanne we walked around for a bit before deciding to stop for some amazing gelato, which was a nice refreshment given the nice weather we had. After a little more walking around Lausanne we hopped aboard a bus and headed out to Lutry, which is a little village 15-20 minutes from Lausanne. Lutry is known for its vineyards, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We had decided before going to Lutry that we would take the evening trolley ride through the vineyards so we spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at the pier since Lutry is situated right on Lac Leman.
Here was our view:
It was a little humid and muggy down on the lake, hence the fog, but it really was quite scenic with the Alps in the background. There were also numerous sailboats anchored in the harbor and it felt a little like I was strolling along at the Yacht Club in search of the Rayzel.
After grabbing a bite to eat we hopped aboard the Lavaux Express, our evening trolley ride up into the vineyards. As fate would have it the weather was pretty decent on the way up and the views were spectacular but it started to downpour as we were on our descent and our poor driver got soaked. Unfortunately he had to cut our trip short but we were promptly dropped off at the wine bar where we were able to sample a few of the wines produced from the vineyards we had driven past, including a white, a rose, and a red.
A view of the vineyards and the impending weather |
View of the vineyards, Lac Leman, and the Alps |
The town of Lutry from the vineyards |
Thankfully we really didn't get stranded in the rain for very long and we made it back to Lausanne at a decent hour and took the train back to Geneva to end a nice day trip. Today a few of us went to go check out the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent's museum, which was interesting, pretty interactive, but a little expensive at 15 Francs.
That's about all for now, it should be another relatively busy week at work but stay tuned because there is strong possibility that a group of us will be going to Lyon next weekend and I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about and many pictures of delicious foods.
What I'm listening to: "Dig A Pony" - The Beatles
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