Hey all,
Just wanted to drop in quickly to let everyone know that I'm off to Japan with Dave and Alex for a week, so if you don't here from me, that's where I am. I'm very excited to go back. I was looking over the city map of Kyoto today and it was very cool to be able and visualize where many of things were that we went to a little over a month ago. Yesterday was the 6th grade graduation at school, which meant no teaching for the second day in the row. On Wednesday I moved my entire classroom to the new English room, so all my classes were cancelled. Anyways, elementary school graduation in Korea is very different than it was for me at Pilgrim Lane. I'm pretty sure all I got was a piece of paper and a ribbon saying I was moving on to middle school, but here there was a whole ceremony, complete with belly-dancing performances, air bands, and presentations from school officials, as well as city officials from Maesong-myeon and Hwaseong-si. It was very interesting to see how the whole ceremony was carried out. Afterwards the city officials took all the teachers and other school officials out for lunch, which was great. That's all from here, I know it was brief, but trust me, there will be plenty more when I get back. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll be able to post pictures this time around, I still have 200 pictures from my old camera sitting on a memory card, but alas, there is no Walgreen's or Shopper's here where I can transfer them onto a CD, etc...
iPod A-Z song update: "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" by CSN.
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